Its clip size has been reduced to 12 shots from 15, while recoil has been increased “to make chaining shots at long-range more challenging.” The weapon’s hipfire spread is also up, in a move that Ubi hopes will “reduce viability of spamming non-ADS shots. The changes will also impact the weapon’s accuracy at long-range and limit its effectiveness when taking multiple shots in a short space of time. To make up for that change, however, the weapon’s significant damage drop-off has been brought closer in-line with other pistols. The changes are to Caveira’s silenced handgun, the Lusion, and the most impactful is likely to be the weapon’s significant damage nerf, meaning the gun will now do 65 damage instead of 99. The changes were first mentioned in a post on the game’s subreddit, earlier this month, and Ubisoft says they’re to ensure the defensive Brazilian operator embodies a particularly stealthy role. Rainbow Six Siege’s latest update goes live next week, bringing with it some game-changing nerfs to Caveira. That's why low ranks think she's overpowered.January 30, 2019 The latest Rainbow Six Siege patch notes confirm Caveira’s catastrophic nerfs are just around the corner. Little-to-no communication poor game sense and bad mechanical skill are the reasons why people are in low Gold and below. If my friend and I see a Caveira, we hunt, no problem. So I don’t trust the other 3 to not be dumb fucks. “I ban Caveira every chance I get, and it has nothing to do with her being OP (she’s not) i just play with one friend and we typically only voice chat with each other. Get up to 75 off in Ubisofts big Rainbow Six franchise sale. Favela was previously a bit too destructible.

That’s why low ranks think she’s overpowered.” Rainbow Six Sieges next season adds a healing defender and reworks Favela. “Little-to-no communication poor game sense and bad mechanical skill are the reasons why people are in low Gold and below. A lot of mfs in gold and below think Caveria is OP. Because of that, low-tier players thinks that she is overpowered. He stated that low-ranked players have bad communication, poor game sense, and bad mechanical skill problems, and Caveira abuses all these issues. Interro has replied to a fan account on Twitter and revealed why Caveira is actually overpowered in the lower ranks like gold/silver. In his career, he worked for the tournaments like Six Invitational 2020, Pro League Season 10 Finals, and more. Parker Mackay, known as “Interro,” is a 29-year-old Canadian Rainbow Six Siege caster who has been working under ESL brand for over two and a half years.